ESDM Online

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Active Ingredients for Change
Young children learn best when having fun. Whether it is play, bath, meal time, or another routine, each moment can involve the ESDM to help children connect, communicate, and learn. See how you can get started with the ESDM with your child or the families whom you support in an early childhood learning environment.
Quick Tip 

Find out how to use tips from the ESDM for early social-communication skills important to life-long learning, behavior, and health with your child or with families whom you support in an early childhood learning environment.

Today's Quick Tip offers strategies to make the most out of your sing-along sessions. Get ready to turn up the fun, create joyful memories, and watch little ones' faces light up with excitement! Happy singing and learning!
Latest News

Read monthly research about intervention outcomes for children with or at risk of autism; coaching supports for their families; and/or family-centered, culturally inclusive coaching tools to help early childhood professionals support families. Each monthly article is publicly available for free access.
This month's Latest News discusses the key skills for providing Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBIs), such as the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), to young children with autism.

By focusing on these essential skills, professionals can develop a common language that helps them understand each other, apply the interventions consistently, and work together effectively, all of which helps families.

Click the article (to the right) to read more about the NDBI competencies providers need to work effectively with children, families, and other professionals. 
Play of the Month
Play not only brings smiles to children's faces but also helps them learn, feel good about themselves, and enjoy the interaction that comes from doing something with someone. Join me each month for Play of the Month to try with your child or the families whom you support in early intervention or other early childhood learning environment.

We have another parent request for the next Play of the Month-how to play with leaves. Using leaves in fun and interactive ways can bring children closer to nature and stimulate their creativity! These activities are designed for toddlers and preschoolers to enjoy and learn from while exploring the natural world around them. 

You can find below a list of activity ideas and learning goal suggestions with related to ESDM Curriculum Checklist items in parentheses to help you discover what level of play your child or the children and families whom you support in early learning environment enjoy doing.  

Pay attention to what children like (or seem curious about) and follow their lead as long as you are a part of the action, too. Remember, the most important thing is for children to have fun doing this with you! Fun means engagement and that excites children's brains and bodies for meaningful learning to happen.

Simple play actions that encourage children to explore, use their senses, and move their bodies:

  • Leaf Toss: Fun outdoor play with leaf piles, encouraging physical activity.

  • Leaf Maze: A simple maze or path made of leaves for toddlers to follow.

  • Leaf Pile: Rake leaves into a pile for children to jump into.

Combination play that encourages multi-step actions for children to construct and accomplish goals:
  • Leaf Sorting: Sort leaves by size, shape, and color, enhancing their classification skills.

  • Leaf Painting: Using leaves as paintbrushes or stamps, children will explore textures and colors.

  • Nature Sensory Bin: A bin filled with leaves, sticks, rocks, and other natural items for sensory exploration. Mix in small toys as hidden prizes for children to discover!

  • Leaf Rubbings: Revealing leaf textures by rubbing crayons over paper-covered leaves.

  • Leaf Rubbings: Revealing leaf textures by rubbing crayons over paper-covered leaves.

  • Leaf Collage: Glue leaves, add glitter and paint to create beautiful collages, fostering children's artistic expression.

  • Leaf Hunt: A scavenger hunt to find various types of leaves, turning outdoor exploration into an adventure.

Imaginary play that encourages children to make-believe and role-play:

  • Leaf Crowns: Craft crowns from leaves to wear and role-play as kings, queens, princes, or princesses of the forest. Make a small hole in one leaf and pull the stem of the next leaf inside it. Continue the pattern until the crown is large enough to fit on the head. 

  • Forest Creatures: Pretend to be forest animals using leaves as costumes. Leaves can become animal ears, tails, or wings. Children can act out stories as woodland creatures, fairies, or elves.

  • Leaf Boat Adventure: Create small boats out of leaves and float them in a tub of water or a small stream. Children can imagine they are on a grand adventure, sailing to magical lands.

  • Leaf Hideaway: Build a mini leaf fort or hideaway in the backyard. Use larger leaves to create a roof or walls. Kids can imagine it as their secret hideout or a fairy house.

  • Magic Potions: Gather leaves and other natural materials to create "magic potions." Mix the leaves in a bowl with water and pretend they have magical properties. This can lead to imaginative storytelling about what the potions can do.

  • Leaf Fairy Garden: Create a tiny fairy garden using leaves as furniture and decorations. Use small pebbles, twigs, and flowers to complete the garden. Children can play with their fairy dolls or simply enjoy the magical scene.

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Check out my Vimeo channel for free ESDM video examples and activity ideas shown with parent permission. 


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